When we started this, there was only one 8th Doctor TV story. So we decided to broaden the scope for the 8th Doctor. Our favourite story could come from TV, book, comic strip, or Big Finish audio. Then the Night of the Doctor came along and now we had 2 8th Doctor TV stories, and love them both.
But my favourite story has to be Nick Briggs audio adventure Sword of Orion.
So why do I like this story. Because it has everything I love about Doctor Who in. A mysterious deserted space ship with a hidden menace to explore. A space ship under siege from Cybermen. Being unsure of if the human characters are safe to be around, or not.
This is an audio story, but due to good directing by Nick Briggs, this story comes alive and paints fantastic visual. The stand out scene is when some of the crew are captured and the cybermen begin to convert and upgrade is played magnificently.
If Steven Moffatt ever wants to plum the depths of Big Finish's output then here is an excellent story to start with.
It's about time to what?