Thursday, 21 November 2013

Are you my favourite?

Indelible images are an important part of what makes a top Who story. On our little quest so far I've plumped for 'the ones' with the Cybermen popping out of the sewers near St Paul's, the blank faced Auton police, the Doctor in the deerstalker and Sharaz Jek so far.

A worthy addition to that illustrious lineup has to be the gas masks and the accompanying  'Are you my mummy?' catch phrase of the people sporting them in the Empty Child/Doctor Dances.

Since the 2005 re-boot the gas masks and the Weeping Angels are surely the top two additions to the series' folklore?

As well as that strong, long-lasting image this terrific two parter also has: a well realised Blitz setting, a smooth and as yet not overused Captain Jack, Billie Piper revelling in her role as Rose, Eccleston blending his serious and playful sides and some good writing from someone called Steven Moffat. What happened to him?

There's also the intriguing Nancy, Richard 'One Foot In The Grave' Wilson and the TARDIS phone ringing.

Fathers's Day is a top piece of TV, Dalek, Rose and the finale are good fun but Empty/Dances is where everything that's good about this short and sweet era converges. Fantastic indeed.

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