Monday 18 November 2013

Doctor Number 7 please

So day seven, and after a brief struggle with my favourite sixth Doctor story, were into my Doctor. I was just old enough to watch the last few stories of Sylvester McCoy's Doctor. I grew up watching Silver Nemesis and Remembrance of the Daleks on VHS. Sylvester is my Doctor. So which story do I like.


Unit, knights in armour, explosions, battle scenes, and a big blue demon thing. These were all very appealing to my four year old self, and they still do all theses years later.

This story is full of nice character pieces. The fact that Ace feels left out of saving the Doctor by the Brigadier. The dynamic between Ancelyn and Bambera was great. It was also good to see Jean Marsh playing the villainous Morgane.

All in all I enjoy this story. It gets even better with the extended edition on the DVD.


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