Tuesday, 12 November 2013

11 Days to go

So the fifth anniversary is only 11 days away. The tension is high, and I can’t wait. I’ll be attending a cinema screening with my esteemed colleague. But before that, were going to give you our favourite stories. One Doctor a day, for 11 days.

So favourite first Doctor story. That’s a hard one. I enjoy William Hartnell’s tenure as the Doctor. He’s just not my favourite. If I want to watch a Who story, he’s not the Doctor I would head to. So what is my favourite story?

 It would have to be the Keys of Marnius. One of the first Doctor Who stories, but not one that is near the top of many people’s list. So why do I like it. I enjoy the adventure aspect to the plot. The plot is simple. The Doctor, with his three companions, Ian, Barbara and Susan, arrive on a shoreline made of glass.

They are soon involved in an adventure to save the planet Marnius, from the evil Vrood. The heroes are sent to different locations, around the planet, to rescue the keys, that will resolve the threat. With the Doctor sent to the last set, allowing William Hartnell to have a holiday, we see Ian, Barbara and Susan rise up and be centre stage.

I think the designer, Ray Cusick, has produced some good look sets and the actor do a fine job of interpreting Terry Nation' script.  All in all, I enjoy this story, a lot and that is why I’ve chosen this as my favourite 1st Doctor.

Then again, come back to me next week, and I’ll probably tell you another story, I’m that fickle. To that end, we’ll give you a few extra stories that we enjoy. For me I also enjoy the first truly historical story, Marco Polo. The first encounter with the Daleks, and for a final story, I like is the Dalek’s Masterplan.


See you all tomorrow for my top Patrick Troughton story.

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