“Don’t Blink.” scary words muttered the Tenth Doctor to Sally Sparrow via the medium of DVD. He was trying to protect her from perhaps the best monster that has been devised for Doctor Who, if not ever. They are the perfect killers, as they move when you do one of the most basic of bodily actions, blink. Blink is one of my favourite episode of Doctor Who, ever.
So did their return disappoint me? No. The Time of Angels was the first of a two parter. Written by Steven Moffat we get the return of the Weeping Angels and River Song. Who, unlike her previous appearance in Silence of the Library/ Forest of the Dead, was different. She was younger and more adventurous; not unlike a certain Lara Croft. A refreshing change in my opinion. When you bring back character they need to be different.
The story was quickly paced and the 45 minutes rattled along and unlike the previous two stories that did not fit the time slot, this one did. Perhaps it was because the story was over two parts we got to know the characters a little better.
The fact we were expecting a single Angel to do a lot of damage and then it did very little was a good twist as we hardly saw it. His was a great way of building up tension as we sit at the edges of our seat, waiting for it to appear out of the darkness. But we were not given this, as we discover its motive for crashing the Byzantium, to reawaken its army. A great little twist there.
If I had one problem with the story is that they do have problems getting the sound levels right. The music does seem to drown out various bits of the dialogue, though by being away in London and watching the episode on the Iplayer I did not have to put up with Graham Norton reappearing.
All in all I enjoyed this episode. More comment will follow after seeing the second episode. However a good solid 8/10 for this story.
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