Sunday, 2 May 2010

The crack has opened.

So Flesh and Stone, the concluding episode to last weeks Time of the Angels, was show last week and I enjoyed it. The story carried on from where we left off last week and we had a simple resolution to the cliff hangers. A good cliff hanger can be spoiled by a silly way out, an example of this is the way the Doctor escaped the clutches of the Cybermen in Age of Steel.

The story moves on at a quick pace as the survivours attempt to elude the Weeping Angels until, one by one, they get picked off. I loved the fact that we found out a bit of the story arc so early on in the season. Before it has just been a word, or a phrase. Now we know all about it. There is a crack in time and space, caused by the Doctor taking Amy away on the night before her wedding.

However, more of that later. The story had some high points. I loved Matt Smith at the Doctor. He is portraying him incredibly well. The Docotr is normally one step ahead of everyone else and Matt Smith is pulling this off incredibly well. He is also bring the emotions of the Doctor off very well. His love, maybe, for River Song. The way he cares for Amy Pond. Bravo Matt Smith.

The story ends well and we are teased with the fact River Song will return. When? Who knows, but she will be back. I also loved the fact that we are finding out lots of little bits and bobs about her. I really want to know what the Stormcage is.

The last scene inside Amy's bedroom, was a downside to the whole episode. I do feel that sex is not something that should be really touched on in Doctor Who, it is after a family show. However the scene did remind me of the last chapter of the New Adventure Book Dying Days, which you can read online at the BBC website.

So all in all another good episode. 7 /10 and for the story as a whole. 9/10.

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