Friday, 3 June 2011

Pushing towards the finale

Well that's set us up nicely hasn't it? Turns out Amy hasn't been real for, well, we don't know how long yet. Plus the real Amy is actually pregnant and about to give birth under the the watchful gaze of the creepy eyepatch lady.

It was a creepy and unnerving twist to end what was otherwise a two-part story that didn't quite hit too many highs. Especially creepy when we learnt that the Doctor engineered the whole visit to try to out Amy as a fake.

Still, just like my fellow reviewer, you have to feel that this twist totally overshadowed the events the came before.

As with last week there was plenty to like about The Almost People with the moral intrigue of the gangers, the mystery over which Doctor was which and the strong performance of Raquel Cassidy to add depth to the guest cast.

Once again though, those elements weren't really glued together with a plot that was particularly memorable. Effectively the whole episode was spent running about and lacked the suspense that its constituent parts warranted.

Still, luckily for all involved it was rescued by the cliffhanger ending and leaves everyone looking forwards rather than back at pretty average fare. Who is River Song? Where is Amy? How long has she not been the real Amy? It has been a series of questions so far - now, at last, we're about to get some answers.


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