Thursday 16 June 2011

A good man has gone to war

Wow. It’s all I can say. A Good man goes to War left me speechless and my mind on overload. Which is not a good thing when its 12:30 at night and you want to go to sleep. There are lots of things to say about this episode and its revelation. So let’s jump in.

Firstly Steven Moffatt has crafted a great story. It was clear the episode was building up to the big reveal about River Song at the end. But it was still enjoyable. It moved a long at a terrific pace and rarely did it need to pause to allow you to catch up.

I did find the build up to the Doctor’s reveal a little to long for my taste. It took 20 minutes before the Doctor revelled himself and then it was not that surprising. It was nice to see how the Doctor has accumulated a great amount of people who are in his debt. A nice touch was the death of the Sontaron nurse.

The set looked fantastic and gave a great look. Military installations are by their very nature, boring places to look at. However Demon’s run looked great. I also liked the Headless Monks, and they did look a bit gruesome. Which is great.

The main cast were all on fine form and it was nice to see Arthur Darvil’s Rory taking a leading role in the episode. Alex Kingston is always on form as River/Melody. The guest cast were great

There are not many things wrong with this episode as it fulfilled all of my expectations. However, I will give a word of caution. We got reappearances from Danny Boy (Victory of the Daleks) and Captain Every (Curse of the Black Spot) to help move the story on. I don’t mind a character from the past occasionally pop up. But for a few seconds, its hardly seems worth it. It was something that Russell T Davis was fond of doing (journey’s end and Last of the Time Lords) and I hope it does not become too much of a norm.

Though I have to admit I did enjoy the appearances of the Cyberships from the invasion in the opening sequence.

There is of course one major problem with this episode. The fact I have to wait until September to find out what happens next.

10 out of 10.

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