Sunday, 1 May 2011

The Eagle has landed.

So with the ending of the Day of the Moon we have been left with a lot of questions. I’ll come on to discuss those in a bit but first, did I enjoy it.

Yes, yes I did. The story picks up a few months after the cliffhanger ending. Amy is being chased and shot by Canton in the desert. The Doctor is being put into a perfect prison. River jumps out of a building and Rory dies on top of a dam.

Were back in the prison where we soon realise that this has been a masquerade and no one is really dead. They soon catch up and we find that they have been hunting down the silence.

Amy and Canton head to a creepy orphan whilst the Doctor breaks in to Apollo 11. Amy is soon kidnapped by the silence, after discovering she maybe the mother of the child in the space suit.

They rescue Amy from the space ship, first seen in last year’s The Lodger, and were treated to a shocking ending as the girl in the space suit regenerates.

So I enjoyed the episode, especially after it left me stunned with all of the revelations that have been made. The questions are many such as, Who is River? Who are the Silence? Who is the girl? Is Amy pregnant? These are the biggest questions in my mind.

But because there are so many questions left unanswered it has led to some negative criticism from reviewers and Doctor Who fans alike. However, I love it. I am a big fan of the TV show, Lost. Lost was a TV show never gave you direct answers but gave you more questions that stemmed from the answer and this is why I loved the show.

And Doctor Who is doing the same. I like not knowing the answer to everything as it makes me want to come back and watch more. The episode not only answered some questions and gave us even more. It was also a very good stand-alone story.

The story moved forward very quickly and unlike last week, where there was one scene that slowed the story down, there was nothing that seemingly hampered the story. It was a mix of action, humor, darkness, and seriousness all at the same time. I especially enjoyed the Doctor and River flirting.

I felt the passing gay remark, though historical accurate, was rather pointless. It didn’t add to the story or move the story along. I may be biased when it comes to this thing.

Toby Hayes has done very well in both parts. He got the best performances from all of the four leads and the supporting cast. He got some great sets and edited the show to give a good pace. One of the opening shots of Amy being chased, taken from a helicopter, was stunning.

I am generally a positive person when it comes to Doctor Who. There is only one story that I am not a big fan of, and that’s the 1970 story Inferno. I enjoy the story that who fans seem to hate, such as Warriors of Deep and Timelash and so I do find it hard to find things I don’t like.

However with this story there was only one thing I felt was done badly and that was the start. It looked beautiful and the epic scope of America looked fantastic. However I felt that going from Amy shooting at the end of last week’s episode to the beginning of this was wrong and didn’t sit right.

So in total.

Day of the moon 10/10

And for both episodes 10/10

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