So the universe may be safe, but Saturdays have become boring again. No more Doctor Who until Christmas. So to conclude the last few weeks of entertainment here are my answers to the DWM readers survey.
Story marks:
Again you’ll have heard them already but, if like me you have forgotten, here they are again:
The Eleventh Hour - 8
The Beast Below - 6
Victory of the Daleks - 7
Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone - 9
Vampires of Venice - 8
Amy's Choice - 9
Hungry Earth/Cold Blood - 7
Vincent and the Doctor – 6.5
The Lodger - 8
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang - 10
Best Writer: It has been a year that we’ve seen scripts from acclaimed writers, Simon Nye and Richard Curtis, as well as Doctor Who die hards Mark Gatiss, Toby Whitehouse and Gareth Roberts. However the award has to go to Steven Moffatt.
Why, well this series has been so complicated and each episode was so important to each other that the award has to go to him. Also his writing has been brilliant, with a slight dip with The Beast Beneath, he has been on top form.
Best Director: With a whole crop of new directors giving us their approach I have to give the award to Catherine Morshead, director of The Lodger. She made what could be a filler episode into a fantastic story. Every where it could go wrong, she took into the right direction to make a fantastic story.
Best Actor: Matt Smith. Is there any doubt. This season has depended on him and his ability to be the Doctor. He has got it spot on. There have never been a moment where the Doctor was not the Doctor. There were several impressive male actors including Tony Curran.
Best Actress: It’s got to be Karen GIllan. She played the role of Amy brilliant. Outstanding moments include the sequence where Rory dies and the entire of the finale. The fact that she is also very fit helps as well ☺
Best Monster: There have been lots of interesting monsters this season. From old favorites like the Daleks, Silurians, and the Weeping Angels to new creatures like the Vampire fish creatures in Vampires of Venice and the sinister smilers. I think it has to be the Daleks. I love the new design and looking forward to seeing where they go on.
Best Villain: It has to be the Dream Lord. It was great to see the dark side of the Doctor’s psyche. Played well, and written well. For a single episode he was brilliant and intresting. Though I would not like to see him come back.
Best Male Supporting Character: Rory Williams, it has to be. He is a welcome addition to the cast and unlike, when we had a Tardis full of the companion’s family, he worked. I am looking forward to seeing where we go next.
Best Female Supporting Character: It’s a hard one this one. River Song or Amelia Pond are obvious strong contenders. But I could go for Liz 10 or the mum from the Silurian story. I think it has to be River though. At the end of the Silence in the Library, we thought we knew here. But’s she back, more mysterious and interesting than ever. I am also quite happy to see her return next year.
Best Special Effect: I like the fact that we have moved away from throwing everything CGI on the screen but used sparing and well. From the dogfight over the Dalek Spaceship to Venice, to every single Doctor Who space ship. My winner, Venice.
Best Music: Murry Gold has done wonders with the music this year and it’s hard to name just one piece.
Greatest Contribution: Steven Moffat, it has to be.
We’ll be back, soon. Maybe.
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