I've just got around to watching the Big Bang for the second time and it was just as enthralling as the first watch. Mr Moffat has managed to serve up an end of series special that is baffling, exciting, funny and intriguing all in one go. From the moment Amy stumbled out of the Pandorica this was always going to be a weird and wonderful ride, and so it proved.
Refreshingly there was no place or need for the "token baddy behind it all" aspect. Yes, we had a Dalek or two but they played a small and entertaining cameo in their cool stone look.
Instead of a finale filled with special effects and characters we had a proper story. The Doctor was at his mischievious best flitting between time streams with the plot linking into itself in a number of fun ways in the build up to orchestrating the second Big Bang.
This "flitting" included the excellent addition of the Doctor's Fez. He'll have to pop one on again in the future surely?!!
The museum setting was probably an undervalued part of the story but proved the perfectly creepy battldrop for the events that unfolded and the Pandorica prop.
For those who think Smith doesn't do the serious and emotional with quite so much panache as his predecessor however should take a look at the Doctor's speech to the sleeping young Amelia as his own time stream begins to reverse. It's a moving and superbly scripted moment up there with Hartnell's classic "One day I'll come back" speech to Susan.
The story also leaves us wanting more. Who was behind the explosion of the Tardis? Where did River land? How did she appear at Amy's wedding? Who is River? Is Rory still an Auton?
Strangely with so many questions left at the end of the series this still felt like the fitting fairytale end. It solve one big problem but whetted the appetite for a whole host more.
Top class. 9/10
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