Saturday 8 January 2011

A Christmas Treat

Another Christmas and another new Doctor Who Christmas Special for us to enjoy. This special was a first for Steven Moffat and a first for the new Doctor, Matt Smith. Did I enjoy it, yes. A Christmas Carol is my favourite of Dickens’s work and the Muppets version of the book, is my favourite adaptation and so I was a little worried when it was announced that Dicken’s classic would be used as a basis.

I was a being foolish. Steven Moffat had merged the skeleton of Dicken’s plot with a proper Doctor Who plot. By using the bare bones, he could add his own brilliance to the story and made it work.

The casting helped make this story even better. Michael Gambon as the old miser, Kazran Sardick, and Katherine Jenkins, as Abigail, making her debut. My esstemed colleague has mentioned that she sung, and I can imagine that she was approached because the plot depended on someone singing. But she did not disappoint, and though she is not a great actor, she was not wooden and could have a career in front of her.

The one down side to this was that Amy and Rory were hardly there. All in all I enjoyed this story and will give it a…


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